Our most exciting new project since opening ILISA’s new custom-built facilities in Costa Rica.
Read what our Director has to say about how we came to open our 2nd school in Panama… of all places some would say :-). How a project that was shelved brought us to discover Panama.
To find out more specifically why we feel that Panama should be the destination of your next language learning experience, vist our ‘why Panama‘ section. You will soon agree Panama is the undiscovered gem of Central America.
Apart from excitement about Panama in itself as a world-class environment to immerse yourself in Spanish language training, we are thrilled we have been accepted by the Panamanian Government to be part of the City of Knowledge. This affiliation is a recognition of the quality of language training and innovation in programs that ILISA has offered in Costa Rica since 1987 and is now bringing to Panama.
Being in the City of Knowledge brings a huge benefit for our students: a first-class campus-like location, spacious and green, safe, even including an Olympic size pool, 3 tennis courts, trails for jogging… it can’t get any better than this. Continue this link for more info on our Panama campus.
Not only do we like our campus, we like its location. Bordered on the north and east by the Las Cruces National Park, the Panama Canal on the west and Panama city on the south, Clayton is the greenest suburb of Central America. Thank you US Army for leaving Panama with such a nice setup! For a comprehensive picture, check out the maps in our location section.
We’ll be offering the same type of programs in Panama as we do in Costa Rica, but with a few exciting now additions as take advantage of some unique opportunities that being in Panama offers. We call it ‘Language & Leisure’.
As we mentioned before, we consider Panama the undiscovered gem of Central America. Its rich history – both in colonial times as more recently in the past century – make Panama a fascinating place to visit. Did you know the first settlement of the Spanish explorers on the Pacific ocean was Panama? Or that 95% of the gold the Spanish dug up in Peru was taken accross the Panama istmus? That consecuently the famous pirates Sir Francis Drake and Henry Morgan visited Panama uninvited more than once?
And of course more recently, almost 100 years ago, the history of the creation of modern Panama and its famous Canal.
For more on fascinating Panama, check out this link.
To warm you up even more for your future visit to Panama, come visit our picture gallery because didn’t even mention the Indian tribes, beautiful island archipels, unequalled skyline of Panama city and mucho más!
As one of the poster says: Panama, the road less travelled. It’s true. Compared to Costa Rica, tourism is barely starting. Panama is authentic, fascinating, exciting and – last but not least – safe ! Come join us in the near future. We will exceed your expectations!