Homestay or Bed & breakfast
ILISA Panama offers a variety of accommodation options. In addition to the options below we can arrange accommodation in any hotel/resort you like, including transportation to/from ILISA or private tuitoring at your hotel.
Homestay with a Panamanian family
Your window into the life of the Panamanian people – and lots of Spanish practice! We have a good selection of friendly, experienced and caring families that will make you feel right at home in Panama. Most live a 10- to 15-minute taxi ride away from ILISA (bus transport is also an option but takes 3x longer). You will receive breakfast and dinner, laundry service and of course have a private room. Some homes have air conditioning but most use a ceiling fan. Availability is limited.
Rooms in furnished apartments
in the City of Knowledge. Ideal for student groups, a minute walk from ILISA. But supply is limited. Inquire before you book. $ 35-45 a night. Very limited availability and requires payment in advance to the City of Knowledge.
Allthough we will gladly assist in making arrangements, unless agreed otherwise, you will have to pay the hotels directly.
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