Study Abroad Student Agreement
Program: TESOL Costa Rica 2022
I have applied to participate in the TESOL Costa Rica 2022 (the Program) offered by ILISA Educational Experiences. I understand that my participation in the Program is voluntary. In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Program, I agree and represent as follows:
I, individually, and on behalf of my heirs, successors and assigns and personal representatives, hereby INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees from any loss, liability, damages or costs, including court costs and attorney fees which arise out of, occur during or are connected in any manner with my participation in the Program, any related or independent travel, any activities or any field trips, irrespective of whether they are sponsored, supervised or controlled by ILISA.
Annex 1- ILISA Code of conduct
ILISA Student Code of Conduct
Our goal at the ILISA is to provide you with a quality educational experience. To make the most of your time here, we take every precaution to guarantee your health, safety and general well-being. ILISA works hard to ensure that its student groups are welcomed and supported by the local community.
At the same time, there is only so much the ILISA staff and your course leaders can do to make sure you get the most out of this experience: you play the biggest part in making it happen. Due to the intensive nature and unique environment of our courses, full participation, cooperation and teamwork are necessary requirements. Your individual actions and behavior can “make it or break it” not just for you but for the entire group. As international students, you are highly visible guests in this community and your actions are noticed and remembered. Be aware that while here you represent not only yourself, but also your home institution and ILISA. Your actions can jeopardize the future of your program and ILISA’s good standing in the community.
In the event that any individual’s behavior is creating difficulties for other individuals, the group, ILISA, the host family or the community, the person(s) involved will be asked to meet with the ILISA course coordinator, homestay coordinator (if involving homestay), and the course leader(s) to discuss the situation. Generally, a mutually agreed-upon resolution can be reached in this way.
If the misconduct is more serious in nature or if a formal complaint is received from another student, course leader, professor, the ILISA course coordinator, host family, or a community member, ILISA reserves the right to convene a Board of Discipline. The Board will be made up of the following persons:
1. ILISA Executive Director
2. A professor / teacher / leader of the home institution
3. ILISA course coordinator
4. Two students from the group (one female, one male) selected randomly
5. The ILISA homestay coordinator, if applicable.
The Board will review the complaint, discuss the situation, and verify whether there is misconduct. If
proven, the Board may take any of the following actions:
1. Warning
2. Suspension of the student’s participation in planned activities
3. Notification of family and return to home country at student’s own expense.
Should the resolution require removal from a homestay and placement with a different host family or alternative lodging, the student or home institution will be responsible for paying the remaining balance of homestay to the family, plus the additional cost of new accommodations.
Violations of any Costa Rican laws are automatically considered misconduct. In the specific example of illegal drug possession and/or use, including marijuana, ILISA wants you to know that drug laws and penalties are strict in Costa Rica. A single conviction could mean spending six to 12 years in a Costa Rican prison. ILISA cannot and will not protect you from being prosecuted. Anyone found using or in possession of illegal drugs will be sent home immediately at his or her own expense.
Please, constrain your individuality by respecting Costa Rican standards and norms. No matter what your personal feelings are about nudity and sex, Costa Ricans are apt to be somewhat more conservative. States of undress acceptable and inevitable in field stations and remote lodging dormitories can be offensive to a host family or in public. Nudity on beaches, no matter how apparently deserted, could jeopardize future use of the site by ILISA groups, and may offend personnel helping the course.
Finally, please note ILISA’s policy on vehicle use. For safety and liability reasons (and in some cases Costa Rican law) students are not allowed to drive or ride on a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, regardless of age. In addition, students may not drive a vehicle (car or truck) during the duration of a course. Naturally, if you are of legal driving age you may rent/drive before or after your ILISA course.
ILISA is proud to say that we have never had to send a student home for misconduct. By being respectful, using good judgment, and being a thoughtful member of your group, your time here will be even more rewarding. We wish you an exciting, educational and safe experience!
Annex 2: Program description TESOL in Costa Rica 2022
Program Fee/Includes:
(1) Airport pick up and drop off
(2) All transport to group activities and to school sites;
(3) Entrance fees to cultural activities
(4) Arrangements made for service learning activities at school sites
(5) Use of ILISA facilities for group sessions, classes, and special events
(6) 2 polo shirts per person to go to schools
(7) Fees for all provided activities: 1 dance class, 1 cooking class, 1 city tour, Gold museum and lunch in San José, guided field excursion to Cartago with teachers in public bus, Indigenous Chieton Moren market, Jade Museum, National Museum, Teatro Nacional, Trip to La Paz, Poas Volcano, and Coffee Plantation w/lunch, Tortuga Island Tour including boat ride, transportation, guide, breakfast, lunch and beach activities (banana boat and snorkle), 4 Guest Lectures, Farewell dinner at a local restaurant
(8) Spanish Language Course
17 nights in a private room, including daily breakfasts, dinner, cleaning and weekly laundry. Likely there will be 2 participants per household, each with a private room.